9 Things To Keep In Mind When Downsizing

So, you’ve started thinking about downsizing and moving on from a home you’ve lived in for many years... and you're wondering where to start?  What do you take with you? How do you decide what to part with?  Those questions and more will be addressed in an upcoming downsizing panel discussion at Kingsway Village Apartments on April 6 from 11am-noon.

Expert panelists include Michelle Kavanaugh-Anastasi, founder of Organize Senior Moves, and Sandra V. Nardoci, licensed associate real estate broker with Berkshire Hathaway, and Kingsway residents will also be on hand to share tips they learned for making a move simpler.  To RSVP for the event call 518-393-8800 x5001 or email RSVP@kingswaycommunity.com by March 23.

In the meantime, here’s some of tips to get you thinking about a future move - to learn more we hope to see you at our panel discussion:


  • Start today. Even if you don’t know exactly when you will make a move, by starting now you will have a feeling of control over the process. No one wants to feel rushed when saying goodbye to their forever home, and packing can longer than you’d expect.
  • “Gift” early. Scan your home for furniture, décor and other heirlooms that you won’t be bringing with you and set them aside for family and friends to take a look at.
  • Make a floor plan. Contact Kingsway, your realtor, or landlord to get a copy of the floorplan of your new living space. That way, you can begin to decide where you’ll put certain items, and have an idea of what will fit, before actually moving in.
  • Go room by room. This whole process can be daunting, so take things room by room. Will your couch fit in the new living room? What about the coffee table? If you’re going from a two-bedroom house to a one-bedroom apartment, you know you’ll have at least one bed to get rid of.
  • Start small. Again, to avoid getting overwhelmed with the downsizing process, start with small, practical must-haves, like kitchen supplies, and save large heirlooms that you may have more of an emotional connection to for later, once you’re in the downsizing rhythm.
  • Sort effectively. When you go through your home, sort items by “keep,” “toss,” and “give away.” Try to stick to the idea that there’s no “maybe keep” option.
  • Avoid duplicates. In an apartment, there’s less room for a crock pot and a pressure cooker. Other than clothing, try to limit yourself to bringing one of each item.
  • Create a labeling system. You don’t want to get all your boxes into your new home and not know what’s in which box. Labeling boxes specifically can help you avoid this.
  • Pack an “essentials” bag. Whenever you move, there’s a few days of limbo where you aren’t sure where everything is, so have your essentials—a few outfits, toiletries, money, etc., at the ready. Pack like you’re going away for a weekend or week-long trip.
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